Uses of Interface
Uses of SharedMutator in io.fluentlenium.adapter
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Default implementation ofSharedMutator
, returning unchanged parameters.ModifierConstructorDescriptionFluentTestRunnerAdapter
(FluentControlContainer driverContainer, Class<?> clazz, SharedMutator sharedMutator) Creates a test runner adapter, with a customer driver container and a customer shared mutator.FluentTestRunnerAdapter
(FluentControlContainer driverContainer, SharedMutator sharedMutator) Creates a test runner adapter, with a customer driver container and a customer shared mutator.FluentTestRunnerAdapter
(SharedMutator sharedMutator) Creates a test runner adapter, with a custom shared mutator. -
Uses of SharedMutator in io.fluentlenium.adapter.cucumber
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Cucumber implementation ofSharedMutator
, replacingtestClass
with a null reference as it doesn't make sense in case of Cucumber tests, and raising aConfigurationException
is given to linkWebDriver
instances with classes defining step definitions.ModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(FluentControlContainer container, Class clazz, SharedMutator sharedMutator) Constructor used within module.protected
(FluentControlContainer container, SharedMutator sharedMutator) Constructor used within module.