Class WaitHookOptions


public class WaitHookOptions extends Object
Options for WaitHook.
  • Constructor Details

    • WaitHookOptions

      public WaitHookOptions()
      Creates a new wait hook options, with default annotation options.
    • WaitHookOptions

      public WaitHookOptions (Wait annotation)
      Creates a new wait hook options, with given annotation options.
      annotation - wait annotation
    • WaitHookOptions

      public WaitHookOptions (TimeUnit timeUnit, Long atMost, TimeUnit pollingTimeUnit, Long pollingEvery, Collection<Class<? extends Throwable>> ignoreAll, boolean withNoDefaultsException)
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static WaitHookOptions.WaitHookOptionsBuilder builder()
    • configureAwait

      protected FluentWait configureAwait (FluentWait await)
      Configure fluent wait with this options.
      await - fluent wait object to configure
      configured fluent wait object
    • getTimeUnit

      public TimeUnit getTimeUnit()
    • getAtMost

      public Long getAtMost()
    • getPollingTimeUnit

      public TimeUnit getPollingTimeUnit()
    • getPollingEvery

      public Long getPollingEvery()
    • getIgnoreAll

      public Collection<Class<? extends Throwable>> getIgnoreAll()
    • isWithNoDefaultsException

      public boolean isWithNoDefaultsException()
    • setTimeUnit

      public void setTimeUnit (TimeUnit timeUnit)
    • setAtMost

      public void setAtMost (Long atMost)
    • setPollingTimeUnit

      public void setPollingTimeUnit (TimeUnit pollingTimeUnit)
    • setPollingEvery

      public void setPollingEvery (Long pollingEvery)
    • setIgnoreAll

      public void setIgnoreAll (Collection<Class<? extends Throwable>> ignoreAll)
    • setWithNoDefaultsException

      public void setWithNoDefaultsException (boolean withNoDefaultsException)