Package io.fluentlenium.core.wait
package io.fluentlenium.core.wait
ClassDescriptionControl interface for fluent wait.Common class for all wait conditions instances.A wait object wrapping default selenium
object into a more complete API, allowing to wait for any condition to be verified.Conditions API for Fluent wait objects.Configuration API of fluent wait object.A wait object wrapping default seleniumFluentWait
object into a more complete API, allowing to wait for any condition to be verified on an underlying element.A wait object wrapping default seleniumFluentWait
object into a more complete API, allowing to wait for any condition to be verified on underlying elements.Functional API of fluent wait.Page wait conditionsWindow wait conditions.Provides functionality to convertTimeUnit
s toChronoUnit
s.Exception type to be thrown when the wait performed by FluentLenium is interrupted.