Class FluentListImpl<E extends FluentWebElement>

Type Parameters:
E - type of fluent element the list contains
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<E>, Collection<E>, List<E>, FluentActions<FluentList<E>, E>, FluentJavascriptActions, LazyComponents, FluentList<E>, WrapsElements, HookControl<FluentList<E>>, FluentLabel<FluentList<E>>, FluentProxyState<FluentList<E>>, SearchControl<E>

public class FluentListImpl<E extends FluentWebElement> extends ComponentList<E> implements FluentList<E>
Default implementation of FluentList and ComponentList.

It offers convenience methods to work with a collection of elements, like click(), submit(), value() ...

It also offers capability to add labels and hooks to an object having this type.