Class FluentStandaloneRunnable

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, IFluentAdapter, Configuration, ConfigurationMutator, ConfigurationProperties, InputControl, AlertControl, CapabilitiesControl, ComponentInstantiator, CssControl, EventsControl, FluentControl, FluentInjectControl, NavigationControl, PerformanceTimingControl, JavascriptControl, SearchControl<FluentWebElement>, SeleniumDriverControl, SnapshotControl, AwaitControl, ChromiumControl

public abstract class FluentStandaloneRunnable extends FluentStandalone implements Runnable
Extend this class and implement doRun() if you want to use FluentLenium as an automation framework only.

Fluent WebDriver is initialized before and released after run() method invocation.

  • Constructor Details

    • FluentStandaloneRunnable

      public FluentStandaloneRunnable()
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run()
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • doRun

      protected abstract void doRun()
      Implement this method using FluentLenium API.