Interface IFluentAdapter

All Superinterfaces:
AlertControl, AwaitControl, CapabilitiesControl, ChromiumControl, ComponentInstantiator, Configuration, ConfigurationMutator, ConfigurationProperties, CssControl, EventsControl, FluentControl, FluentInjectControl, InputControl, JavascriptControl, NavigationControl, PerformanceTimingControl, SearchControl<FluentWebElement>, SeleniumDriverControl, SnapshotControl
All Known Implementing Classes:
FluentAdapter, FluentCucumberTest, FluentStandalone, FluentStandaloneRunnable, FluentTest, FluentTest, FluentTestNg, FluentTestNgSpringTest, FluentTestRunnerAdapter, IsolatedTest

public interface IFluentAdapter extends FluentControl
  • Method Details

    • isFluentControlAvailable

      default boolean isFluentControlAvailable()
      Check if fluent control interface is available from the control interface container.
      true if the fluent control interface is available, false otherwise
    • setFluentControl

      default FluentControl setFluentControl (ContainerFluentControl fluentControl)
      Sets FluentControl
      fluentControl - to set
    • initFluent

      default FluentControl initFluent (org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver webDriver, Object container)
      Load a WebDriver into this adapter.

      This method should not be called by end user.

      webDriver - webDriver to use.
      container - instance where FluentLenium should inject dependencies
      initialized FluentControl
      IllegalStateException - when trying to register a different webDriver that the current one.
    • initFluent

      default FluentControl initFluent (org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver webDriver)
    • getFluentControl

      default ContainerFluentControl getFluentControl()
      Gets Underlying FluentControlContainer
      Specified by:
      getFluentControl in interface FluentControl
      fluentControlContainer instance
    • releaseFluent

      default boolean releaseFluent()
      Release the current WebDriver from this adapter.

      This method should not be called by end user.

    • newWebDriver

      default org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver newWebDriver()
      Creates a new WebDriver instance.

      This method should not be called by end user, but may be overriden if required.

      Before overriding this method, you should consider using WebDrivers registry and configuration ConfigurationProperties.getWebDriver().

      To retrieve the current managed WebDriver, call getDriver() instead.

      A new WebDriver instance.
      See Also:
    • getDriver

      default org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver getDriver()
      returns WebDriver instance
      Specified by:
      getDriver in interface FluentControl
      Specified by:
      getDriver in interface SeleniumDriverControl
      current webdriver