Class IsolatedTest

All Implemented Interfaces:
IFluentAdapter, Configuration, ConfigurationMutator, ConfigurationProperties, InputControl, AlertControl, CapabilitiesControl, ComponentInstantiator, CssControl, EventsControl, FluentControl, FluentInjectControl, NavigationControl, PerformanceTimingControl, JavascriptControl, SearchControl<FluentWebElement>, SeleniumDriverControl, SnapshotControl, AwaitControl, ChromiumControl

@Deprecated public class IsolatedTest extends FluentStandalone
Instead of extending FluentTest, you can instantiate this class directly.

If you want to test concurrency, or if you need for any reason to not use JUnit nor TestNG, you may use this class.

You should call FluentStandalone.quit() manually to close the underlying webdriver.

  • Constructor Details

    • IsolatedTest

      public IsolatedTest()
      Creates a new isolated test.