Interface AlertControl

All Known Subinterfaces:
FluentControl, FluentPageControl, IFluentAdapter
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseFluentHook, BaseHook, ContainerFluentControl, DefaultFluentContainer, FluentAdapter, FluentControlImpl, FluentCucumberTest, FluentDriver, FluentPage, FluentStandalone, FluentStandaloneRunnable, FluentTest, FluentTest, FluentTestNg, FluentTestNgSpringTest, FluentTestRunnerAdapter, FluentWebElement, IsolatedTest, WaitHook

public interface AlertControl
Provide control for alert windows.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get an object to control the alert window.
  • Method Details

    • alert

      Alert alert()
      Get an object to control the alert window.
      an alert object