Class FluentPage

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configuration, ConfigurationMutator, ConfigurationProperties, InputControl, AlertControl, CapabilitiesControl, ComponentInstantiator, CssControl, EventsControl, FluentContainer, FluentControl, FluentPageControl, FluentInjectControl, NavigationControl, PerformanceTimingControl, JavascriptControl, SearchControl<FluentWebElement>, SeleniumDriverControl, SnapshotControl, AwaitControl, ChromiumControl

public class FluentPage extends DefaultFluentContainer implements FluentPageControl
Use the Page Object Pattern to have more resilient tests.

Extend this class and use @PageUrl and @FindBy annotations to provide injectable Page Objects to FluentLenium.

Your page object class has to extend this class only when you use the @PageUrl annotation as well.

A subclass of FluentPage may also be annotated with one of Selenium's @Find... annotation to give an identifier for this page. See isAt() and isAtUsingSelector(By).

  • Constructor Details

    • FluentPage

      public FluentPage()
      Creates a new fluent page.
    • FluentPage

      public FluentPage (FluentControl control)
      Creates a new fluent page, using given fluent control.
      control - fluent control
  • Method Details

    • getClassAnnotations

      public ClassAnnotations getClassAnnotations()
    • getUrl

      public String getUrl()
      Description copied from interface: FluentPageControl
      Gets the URL of the page. It can contain mandatory parameters {param} and optional parameters {?param1}.
      Specified by:
      getUrl in interface FluentPageControl
      page URL
    • getParam

      public String getParam (String parameterName)
      Parses the current URL and returns the parameter value for the argument parameter name.

      In case the parameter is not defined in the PageUrl annotation, or the parameter (mandatory or optional) has no value in the actual URL, this method returns null.

      There is also caching in place to improve performance. It compares the current URL with the cached URL, and if they are the same, the parameter is returned from the cached values, otherwise the URL is parsed again and the parameters are returned from the new URL.

      Examples (for template + URL + paramName combinations):

       "/abc/{param1}/def/{param2}"  + "/abc/param1val/def/param2val" + "param1" -> "param1val"
       "/abc/{param1}/def/{param2}"  + "/abc/param1val/def/param2val" + "param4" -> null
       "/abc{?/param1}/def/{param2}" + "/abc/param1val/def/param2val" + "param1" -> "param1val"
       "/abc{?/param1}/def/{param2}" + "/abc/def/param2val"           + "param1" -> ull
      parameterName - the parameter to get the value of
      the desired parameter value or null if a value for the given parameter name is not present
      IllegalArgumentException - when the argument param is null or empty
    • getUrl

      public String getUrl (Object... parameters)
      Description copied from interface: FluentPageControl
      URL of the page, after replacing parameters with given values.
      Specified by:
      getUrl in interface FluentPageControl
      parameters - parameter values
      Effective url generated for given parameter values
    • isAt

      public void isAt()
      Description copied from interface: FluentPageControl
      Check if the browser is on this page.
      Specified by:
      isAt in interface FluentPageControl
    • isAt

      public void isAt (Object... parameters)
      Description copied from interface: FluentPageControl
      Check if the browser is on this page, after replacing parameters with given values.
      Specified by:
      isAt in interface FluentPageControl
      parameters - list of parameters
    • isAtUsingUrl

      public void isAtUsingUrl (String urlTemplate)
      URL-matching implementation for isAt(). Validates whether the page, determined by the argument URL template, is loaded.

      If there is a PageUrl annotation applied on the class and it has the file attribute defined, this method will skip the url parsing to skip URL check because it is not able to get local file path relatively.

      urlTemplate - URL Template, must be non-null
      AssertionError - when the current URL doesn't match the expected page URL
    • isAtUsingSelector

      public void isAtUsingSelector (org.openqa.selenium.By by)
      Validates whether the page, determined by the argument By object, is loaded.
      by - by selector, must be non-null
      AssertionError - if the element using the argument By is not found for the current page
    • go

      public <P extends FluentPage> P go()
      Description copied from interface: FluentPageControl
      Go to the url defined in the page
      Specified by:
      go in interface FluentPageControl
      Type Parameters:
      P - the fluent page

      FluentPage object

    • go

      public <P extends FluentPage> P go (Object... params)
      Description copied from interface: FluentPageControl
      Got to the url defined in the page, using given parameters.
      Specified by:
      go in interface FluentPageControl
      Type Parameters:
      P - the fluent page
      params - page url parameter values

      FluentPage object

    • parseUrl

      public ParsedUrlTemplate parseUrl()
      Description copied from interface: FluentPageControl
      Get the parameter values of page URL extracted from current URL.
      Specified by:
      parseUrl in interface FluentPageControl
      parameter values
    • verifyIsLoaded

      public void verifyIsLoaded()
      Verifies whether page is loaded. Overwrite if necessary. E.g. wait for @FindBy annotated component to render using await().
      Warning: Do NOT wait for @Unshadow components!
    • unshadowAllFields

      public void unshadowAllFields()
    • parseUrl

      public ParsedUrlTemplate parseUrl (String url)
      Description copied from interface: FluentPageControl
      Get the parameter values of page URL extracted from given URL.
      Specified by:
      parseUrl in interface FluentPageControl
      url - url to parse
      parameter values