All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class for annotation listeners.
Abstract component instantiator.
Abstract registry of FluentLenium factories.
Abstract class conditions on list of elements.
Common interface for Integer conditions.
Abstract proxy handler supporting lazy loading and hooks on WebElement.
Abstract proxy handler supporting lazy loading and hooks on WebElement.
Abstract search matcher.
Abstract implementation supported negation and instantiation.
Abstract supplier providing toString() representation from elements proxy and search filters.
A equivalent of JUnit @After.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Extension of Selenium's own Alert interface to manage browser alert.
Default implementation for alert assertions.
Provide control for alert windows.
Manages a browser alert.
Listen to alert
Interface for asserting the state of alert boxes.
Exception to be thrown when an annotation cannot be found on an element.
ElementLocator retrieving a particular index element from another locator.
Conditions for list of elements, matching when at least one element of the list matches.
Base assertion interface for attribute validation within a single attribute value or a list of attribute values.
Search filter based on attribute value.
Filter a FluentWebElement collection to return only the elements with the same text
Control interface for fluent wait.
Base configuration class supporting setting of the global configuration.
Common class form filling features storing the potential elements to fill.
Base hook supporting FluentWebElement API.
Base hook implementation.
Base condition for list of objects
Common class for all wait conditions instances.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Add this annotation on a method to register it in EventsRegistry.
Static class that are in charge of analyzed the filter and matcher.
Control capabilities of the underlying Selenium WebDriver.
Factory of Capabilities
A registry of CapabilitiesFactory.
Capabilities registry default implementation.
Desired capabilities factory.
Exception for when the chromium api is not supported by browser.
Control interface for chromium api.
Inspired by Annotations, but use a Class instead of a Field to retrieve the annotations.
Stores and handles SharedWebDriver instances for test Classes.
Utility methods for working with collections.
Commands for the Chromium DevTools API.
A component encapsulate a Selenium WebElement, the FluentLenium control interface and FluentLenium instantiator.
Thrown when something wrong occurs with a component.
Proxy handler for WebElement.
Factory building new components.
List of Component.
Accessor interface to retrieve a component from it's selenium element.
Listen to components registration to register their events annotations couterparts.
A listener interface for components registration.
Manage living components for a WebDriver instance.
A configuration composed with a writable configuration and list of read configurations.
Common interface for conditions.
Wrap object inside a condition.
Base configuration interface that can be read and written.
Default configuration implementation.
Exception thrown when something wrong occurs because of the configuration of FluentLenium.
Creates new configuration from a container class.
Provider of configuration factory.
Mutation interface of Configuration Properties.
FluentLenium can be configured in many ways through configuration properties.
Driver lifecycle.
Trigger mode for Screenshots and HtmlDump features
Register event annotations from a container in the events registry.
Context for a container
Container global FluentLenium control interface.
Creates container instances.
Matcher checking that actual contains input value.
Matcher checking that actual contains word from input value.
Control interface for CSS related features.
Control interface for css related features.
Features related to CSS loaded in the active page.
Features related to CSS loaded in the active page.
Annotation configuration custom property.
Default component instantiator.
Creates new configuration from a container class.
Context for a container
Creates container instances
Mark a factory as default factory that can be overriden without throwing an exception.
Default minimal implementation for FluentContainer.
Default FluentControlContainer implementation, using a simple variable to store the FluentDriver instance.
Builder of hook chains from element supplier, element locator supplier and hook definitions list.
Default implementation of PerformanceTiming.
Default implementation of PerformanceTimingMetrics storing the metrics value as a Map.
Properties backend based on java Properties object.
Default implementation of SharedMutator, returning unchanged parameters.
Utility class with default WebDriver factories.
Chrome WebDriver factory.
Edge WebDriver factory.
Firefox WebDriver factory.
HtmlUnit WebDriver factory.
Internet Explorer WebDriver factory.
Opera WebDriver factory.
Remote WebDriver factory.
Safari WebDriver factory.
List that delegates to another list
Handles XPath axes for an element (W3Schools XPath Axes).
Conditions for integer
Conditions for list of elements, matching when each element matches.
Assertion interface for element attribute validation.
ElementLocator for an already found WebElement instance.
Listen to element events.
ElementLocator for an already found list of WebElement instance.
Element locator implemented by a Supplier of list of WebElement.
Search context backed by an ElementLocator.
Interface for asserting the state of an element.
Element locator implemented by a Supplier of WebElement.
Utility class for elements.
Matcher checking that actual ends with input value.
Properties backend based on environment variables.
Matcher checking that actual is equal to input value.
Thrown when something wrong occurs with event annotations.
Listener interface for events.
Control interface for events.
Registry of event listeners.
EventsSupport can be registered in Selenium EventFiringWebDriver to provide an easier to use events interface.
Listen to exceptions.
Marker interface for factories.
Define names for a factory
Add names to a factory.
Defines the priority of the factory.
Default form filling features.
Provides functionality to select values in <select> elements.
Builder for search filters
Filter constructors.
Listener interface for FindBy events
ElementLocator retrieving the first element from another locator.
All actions that can be used on the list or on a web element.
Generic adapter to FluentDriver.
Base assertion interface.
Conditions API for elements.
Configure a FluentLenium test class with this annotation.
Boolean value used in annotation that can has a third DEFAULT value equivalent to null.
Container object that can be initialized with a FluentControl.
Global control interface for FluentLenium.
Container for FluentControl of the actual test adapter.
Default implementation of FluentControl.
Provides the FluentControl for actual test.
Cucumber implementation of SharedMutator, replacing testClass with a null reference as it doesn't make sense in case of Cucumber tests, and raising a ConfigurationException when ConfigurationProperties.DriverLifecycle.CLASS is given to link WebDriver instances with classes defining step definitions.
Cucumber FluentLenium Test Runner Adapter.
Wrapper class for a WebDriver instance which also offers shortcut and convenience methods, as well as methods to work with mouse, keyboard and windows.
Takes HTML dump.
Persists a screenshot to a target file.
Configures a WebDriver instance with timeouts from a Configuration.
Creates and configures a FluentWait from a Configuration to be used via FluentDriver.
Provides wrapped WebDriver capabilities for FluentDriver.
Hook interface.
Control interface for FluentLenium injection.
Exception thrown when a Page can't be initialized.
Handle injection of element proxies, Page objects, Parent objects and FindBy.
Execute a script and map it's result.
Javascript actions that can be used on the list or on a web element.
Javascript actions that can be used on a list or on a web element.
FluentTest extension for JUnit Jupiter.
Apply label and label hints to element.
Apply label and label hints to element.
Provides label and label hints definitions.
FluentLenium assertions entry point.
Driver interface for ConfigurationProperties.DriverLifecycle based SharedWebDriver handling.
Wraps a list of FluentWebElement.
Default implementation for FluentList assertions.
Conditions API for list of elements.
Default implementation of FluentList and ComponentList.
Builder for fluent list size assertion.
It is an object factory for creating Cucumber steps objects in FluentLenium injection container.
Use the Page Object Pattern to have more resilient tests.
Provides controls for a Page Object.
State of the element locator proxy.
Create an instance of this class if you want to use FluentLenium as an automation framework only.
Extend this class and implement FluentStandaloneRunnable.doRun() if you want to use FluentLenium as an automation framework only.
Used to locate a given frame or window.
Fluent wrapper for WebDriver.TargetLocator.
JUnit 4 FluentLenium Test Runner Adapter.
JUnit 5 FluentLenium Test Runner Adapter.
Container class for FluentCucumberTest.
TestNG FluentLenium Test Runner Adapter.
TestNG FluentLenium Test Runner Adapter.
Equivalent of TestWatcher, but stop process if exception occurs on starting method call.
FluentLenium Test Runner Adapter.
A wait object wrapping default selenium FluentWait object into a more complete API, allowing to wait for any condition to be verified.
Conditions API for Fluent wait objects.
Configuration API of fluent wait object.
A wait object wrapping default selenium FluentWait object into a more complete API, allowing to wait for any condition to be verified on an underlying element.
A wait object wrapping default selenium FluentWait object into a more complete API, allowing to wait for any condition to be verified on underlying elements.
Functional API of fluent wait.
Page wait conditions
Window wait conditions.
Wraps a Selenium WebElement.
Default implementation for FluentWebElement assertions.
Listen to ScreenshotAs.
Annotation used to declared a hook on a test adapter, container or element field.
Builder of hook chains from element supplier, element locator supplier and hook definitions list.
Control interface for hooks.
Control implementation for hooks.
Definition of a hook, containing class of the hook and defined options
Exception that can occur when applying a hook.
Annotation used to declared hook options.
HtmlUnit specific implementation of PerformanceTimingMetrics.
Provides logic for screenshot and image manipulation and conversion.
Classes marked with this annotation will be ignored by automatic registration in Factory
Inspired by Annotations, but also supports annotations defined on return type class.
The injection element locator, which will lazily locate an element or an element list on a page.
ElementLocator factory used by FluentInjector.
Access interface for input controls.
Conditions API for Integer.
Conditions for integer
Conditions for list of integers.
Control interface to execute script, synchronously or asynchronously.
Stores and handles a SharedWebDriver instance for the whole JVM.
Execute actions with the keyboard.
Execute actions with the keyboard on a defined element.
Define a label on an injected FluentWebElement or FluentList.
Parses and stores the values of the Label and LabelHint annotations of a given field.
Using this annotation, the value of toString() method of the injected object will be extended with the list of hints provided to the annotation.
ElementLocator retrieving the last element from another locator.
A list of component that lazy initialize from it's related list of elements.
Supports lazy initialization.
Listen to lazy components events.
Assertion interface for attribute validation within a list of elements.
Get actual condition elements list.
Listener attached to a container.
Support for priority between listeners.
Compare listeners implementing ListenerPriority.
Proxy handler for list of WebElement.
Conditions API for FluentLists.
Interface for asserting the state of an element.
Public interface to control handler for proxies of List of FluentWebElement and FluentWebElement.
Utility class to create proxies of WebElement, Component, FluentList and List of Components based on their locators.
Interface to control and retrieve the status of LocatorHandlers.
Matcher constructors.
Matcher types actually actually supported by the framework.
Message to generate.
Represent a call on the MessageProxy builder.
Invocation handler that builds message based on called performed.
Message context to append.
Provides message proxy implementations of interface that records calls to build message from methods annotated with Message, NotMessage and MessageContext.
Stores and handles SharedWebDriver instances for test methods.
CapabilitiesFactory based on invocation of a defined method.
Exception to be thrown when a method cannot be found.
MockitoExtension showcases the TestInstancePostProcessor and ParameterResolver extension APIs of JUnit 5 by providing dependency injection support at the field level and at the method parameter level via Mockito 2.x's @Mock annotation.
Execute actions with the mouse.
Element specific mouse control interface.
Listener interface for Navigate events
Direction of the navigation
Listener interface for Navigate events
Listener interface for NavigateTo events
Control interface for navigation.
Marker annotation for negation of this object.
Remove current hook definitions from the container context.
When this annotation is applied on a field FluentLenium injection is disabled for that.
Matcher checking that actual doesn't contain input value.
Matcher checking that actual doesn't end with input value.
Implementation of LazyComponents for a non lazy components wrapper.
Message to generate when negation is applied.
Matcher checking that actual doesn't start with input value.
Mark a field as a Page Object that should be automatically created by FluentLenium.
Default implementation for asserting FluentPage objects.
Interface for asserting the state of FluentPage objects.
PageUrl is a class annotation used instead of getUrl method of FluentPage object.
Stores a URL and URL parameters parsed from that URL for caching purposes in FluentPage.
Mark a field whose class declaration is annotated with one of Selenium's Find... annotation, with this annotation to inject the parent container.
Parsed URL template.
Interface representing the PerformanceTiming API defined by W3C under Performance Timing interface.
Control interface for accessing an API for querying W3C Performance Timing event values.
Provides event types according to the W3C Performance Timing interface. documentation.
Wraps the performance timing metrics returned by the window.performance.timing Javascript attribute from the browser, and provides methods to access each value in it.
Factory for creating PerformanceTimingMetrics objects.
Utility methods for validating objects' status.
Search filter based on a predicate.
Configuration based on JavaBean properties.
Reader interface for raw properties access.
Abstract properties configuration.
Proxy element listener.
Conditions API for Rectangle
Conditions for rectangle.
Conditions for list of rectangles.
Utility class for reflection.
A simple CapabilitiesFactory that create Capabilities instances using reflection.
Reflective factory.
A simple WebDriverFactory that create WebDriver instances using reflection.
Exception type to be thrown when a screenshot taking process couldn't finish.
Listener interface for Script events
Perform element searchs in a given context.
Control interface to search for elements.
Search filter interface
Control interface for selenium underlying web driver.
Responsible for retrieving information about Selenium version from pom.xml (if present).
Defines mutations of parameters used for SharedWebDriverContainer method calls.
Effective parameters used by the test.
A reference to a shared WebDriver used by a test.
A singleton container for all running SharedWebDriver in the JVM.
Shutdown hook closing the Shared WebDriver container when JVM is closing.
Control interface for Screenshot and HTML Dumps.
Matcher checking that actual starts with input value.
Conditions API from String.
Conditions for string
Conditions for list of string.
Supplier returning a defined instance, with toString() implementation calling toString() on the instance without wrapping it.
Listen to switch window
Properties backend based on java system properties.
TestNG attempts to run default methods from inherited interfaces when there is class @Test annotation.
Stores and handles SharedWebDriver instances for test methods and thred ids.
Alternative FluentControlContainer implementation, using a ThreadLocal variable to store the FluentDriver instance.
Provides functionality to convert TimeUnits to ChronoUnits.
Experimental: Find element in shadow root using CSS selector
URL Parameter.
A simple template engine for URL parameters.
Utils class for Url manipulation.
Annotation to enable the Wait Hook.
Invocation handler used to wait for a particular conditions call.
Provides proxy implementations of conditions that performs wait from those conditions.
Hook that automatically wait for actions beeing available on the underlying element.
Options for WaitHook.
Exception type to be thrown when the wait performed by FluentLenium is interrupted.
Factory of WebDriver, that can be registered in WebDrivers registry.
A registry of WebDriverFactory.
WebDrivers registry implementation.
Fluent object to handle ExpectedConditions on FluentWebElement in fluentlenium API.
Execute actions on active window.
Allows to retrieve underlying wrapped elements.